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    Orders Tracing

I received an e-mail of despatch notice and tracing number, but why it promps the number is invalid when I trace it on the shippers web site?

Added: 2006-08-27   Updated: 2006-08-27   View: 6362

   Our order system will send you an e-mail with the tracing number or despatch note number as soon as we despatch your order, but there will be a delay for the shippers to input this information into their system, if you receive a message like 'The number is not available', in most cases, it means your order tracing information has not been inputed into their system, please check again at later time. Please be aware that only Express shipment like DHL and EMS are online traceable, parcels shipped via China Post air parcel, small air parcel, SAL mail, surface mail are not online traceable.

   Other questions in this section
  What does ETA to be confirmed mean?
  Can I request ship my orders to my logistic forwarder in China?
  What is your policy on parcels returned/detained by customs or retunred by courier?
  Can you tell me where my EMS package is?
  Why my EMS pacel seems stuck there for several days?
  I want to cancel an order, what should I do?
  What should I do once arrange the payment?
  Why I receive an error message of "This payment cannot be funded with a credit card at this time."?
  Why have'nt I received my parcels shipped via postal (small) air parcel services after 30 days?
  Why my order need to be humanly confirmed?

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